What's On

Please scan the QR code or click on the link to take you through to purchase tickets for any of our events


Brunch in the Barn

Brunch in the Barn

Book now for our first 'Brunch in the Barn'. Our chef has designed a delicious brunch menu for you to enjoy! Book via the QR code or link at the top of the page.

Tapas Night in the Barn

Tapas Night in the Barn

As our first Tapas Night was such a success (and the most delicious food!) we have added the next one! Friday 10th May from 7pm. The same delicious tapas menu, with a glass of sangria, and 'Flamenco Tomas' to entertain you, for just £35 per person. Use the link or the QR code at the top of the page to book now!